
Showing posts from March 15, 2020

Day 5 Pictures


Virtual Kindergarten Day 5

Good Morning Everybody! Welcome to day 5 of virtual kindergarten. Holly took some photos of her new friends yesterday. She now knows how to classify birds as animals with feathers, beaks, wings and two legs. She even found out baby birds come from eggs yesterday when she found a chickadee nest. Stay tuned for next week when she finds out the classification name for all the animals she does not like ! Hint: they have fur, seem to be warm blooded, breath air and drink milk from their mommies she suspects. Thank you for the photos so we can see all the great ideas and learn from one another about how to make each day count. Us kindergarten teachers have been working together these past few days to find new resources for the kids and get them all into one place that would be easier for them to access. We should be ready with our unveiling by Monday!  But if you need help, please, please, please reach out. We are here to help and easier to fin

Holly Says.....

Holly says thank you to everyone who helped her understand what she should and should not bark at today. She knows now that birds have beaks, wings, feathers and two legs and do not try sneak through her doggie door like the other critters!

Day 4 Pictures

Building a Birdhouse for our feathered, winged, beaked, two legged friends!

Virtual Kindergarten Day 4

Good Morning Everybody! Welcome to day 4 of virtual kindergarten. Holly and I say hello (though my kids might have edited my photo a bit!) Holly dog wants to pose a question for you today…. “I love to stare out the window and bark at almost everything I see. The only critters I do not bark at are birds. Today I saw these three things outside the window:                Which one would I never bark at and how can you tell?” Feel free to reply with your answer and be sure to think about our animal classification video about what helps us know certain types of animals!!!!! We are loving the pictures and ideas we are getting from everybody. The home rainbow color chart and color coding the tricks sentences are posted as ideas if you want. Here is the chart we use to do that in class (minus the green highlighter color since I forgot to bring that home.) I have had some parents emailing me about the work being somewhat easy for the kiddos.

Day 3 Pictures
