
Showing posts from January 12, 2020

Kindergator Update 1.17.20

Kindergator Update 1.17.20 Happy (almost) Martin Luther King Jr. Day and three-day weekend! The rain made it a yucky, mucky mess outside, but we managed to trudge through lots of skills this week. One of our favorite parts of the week was working on our new STEM project. It involves making a map of the school and programming our robots to find their way out of the building in case of a fire. A bid thank you to Dillan's family for getting us an Amazon gift card to buy the robots! Reading: We continued our unit on Fairy Tales by reading the original version of The Frog Prince and a few alternate versions. The kids liked the idea of throwing a frog against a wall to turn it into a prince much better than having to kiss it! We continued to work on our reading “tricks” focusing on how / why vowels change their sounds from short to long and bossy-r. Math : We continued our unit on addition. We are working on making addition models, number sentences and how you can flip-flo