
Showing posts from November 11, 2018

Kindergator Update 11.16.18

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope this week is relaxing and restful and full of carbs. Speaking of full…here is what filled our brains with this week in kindergarten: Reading: We used our “main idea and details” focus to learn more about Thanksgiving. We read stories about the first Thanksgiving, what life was like as a pilgrim boy and girl, how Thanksgiving became an official holiday (thank you Sarah Hale and Abraham Lincoln) and what some common Thanksgiving traditions are today. What a surprise it was to learn that Sarah Hale worked for 38 years and wrote hundreds of letters to 4 different presidents until finally Abraham Lincoln agreed to declare Thanksgiving a national holiday. She really was a hero for sure. By the way… many of the kids said they had never tried cranberry sauce or seen the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade so those might be something fun to try this year. Math: We began our unit on measurable attributes. That means we began looking at the parts of things that w

Thanksgiving Project

A hard copy of this letter and the booklet will be sent home tomorrow in your child's blue binder. Please note, the project is not due until the Friday on the week we return from break, but your child may need to do some "research" on Thanksgiving day about your family's customs. My Thanksgiving Customs Project One of our social studies standards asks the students to “describe the diversity of American culture by explaining the customs and celebrations of various families and communities.” In order to help students reach this standard we are asking each child to complete a “My Thanksgiving Customs” project with their families. For this project, your child will be asked to draw, take photographs or cut out pictures showing how your family celebrates Thanksgiving. Their completed project should have:            A title and cover for the booklet.            Two drawings or pictures of Thanksgiving foods they traditionally eat in the booklet.