
Showing posts from January 13, 2019

Kindergator Update 1.18

Happy almost Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Don’t forget that there is no school on Monday in honor of Dr. King. It has been a long week, with both Mrs. Walkup and myself ill, but we made it through! Here are some things we were able to work on this week. Goal Setting : The students looked at their current scores and data notebooks to see where they were and think about what things they might want to work on. Then we examined a picture based list of things they might want to set goals for and thought about which ones fit and which ones did not. From the list each student picked 4 goals to work on during our “goal time” twice a week. The kids did a really good job at picking out things they need and might be a challenge for them. The number one choice for most of the kids was…learning to tie their shoes. Reading : We have begun our unit on long vowels and why vowels sometimes change their sound. There are 4 reasons: when bully-e makes them, when two vowels go walking, when y chan