Thank You Parent Teachers

Thank You So Much To Our Parent Teachers!  
We had some of the best parent pedagogy lessons of all time this year. 
Mr. Beeman taught about the science of soccer.
Mr. Puerta taught us about engineering and let us build with pasta noodles.
Tiger Rock Martial Arts taught us about focus and self control.
Mrs. Crosby taught us about birds and feathers and brought her mini parrots in to visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Holmes instructed us on basketball dribbling and brought Pounce the mascot with him.
Mrs. Stewart taught us about mindfulness and careful listening.
Mrs. Beeman taught us about travel and maps.
Kid Chess gave us a beginners chess lesson that the kids loved!
Mr. Kerns taught us about lighting and helped us make our own lanterns.
Mrs. Kerns taught us about musical theater and helped us find the courage to perform.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers helped us learn about how to make the perfect ice cream sundae.
Mr. Ronnie showed us his comic book collection and helped us create our own super heroes.
Mr. Rodriguez taught us some Spanish and read to us in Spanish. 
Mrs. Gillenwater let us visit her first grade class to learn a little about what happens there.
It was a wonderful week!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for all the fun. Mrs. Watson and I learned so much too.

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