Kindergator Update 2.15.19

Happy Winter Break! We hope the weather is wonderful and the kids gets lots of time to play and relax. In between our playing and relaxing, here are some things we worked on this week in class:

Reading: We used self-guiding rubrics to help us improve our story retellings. Partners worked together to score each other’s retellings and provide constructive feedback. We were so impressed when we heard things like, “You should use the words from the story to help you remember the setting.” (Thank you Ava) or “You can’t start with the word they because they can be any they.” (Thank you Reese) or “You forgot part of the conflict in the middle.” (Thank you Grant). We also compared and contrasted versions of the Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Math: We wrapped up our subtraction unit this week. When we get back from break we will be working on transitioning back and forth betweek + and – in models, equations and word problems. As of this week, we have 100% of our class who has passed their addition timed test, and 95% percent who has passed the subtraction timed test. That is amazing!

STEM: The students collaborated on their chair repairs for Baby Bear after Goldilocks broke his last one. So far we can see much improvement in their collaboration skills, creativity and use of materials. We still have work to do on communication skills and listening to one another, but we are proud of how far they have come this year.

Writing: We published our opinion pieces in centers while learning how to add details to our narrative writing pieces. We have introduced rubrics for these too, so the students can guide themselves a bit more and extend themselves a bit.

If you have not done so already, please sign and return the bottom portion of your child’s progress report. They were sent home yesterday.
Please remember that there is no school next week so please stay home!!!

Zeb and Jackson who got their trophies for knowing all 100 sight words on our list.

Reese’s parents for teaching her who Spider Gwen is and doing my nerd heart good!

Sarah Kate for writing a great opinion piece about ice skating and introducing us to her monkey friend.

Arnold for introducing us to his pet alligator and writing a great story this morning!

Ava for writing a great opinion piece about hot chocolate!

And all the kids and parents for sending in wonderful class gifts, treats and presents to make our Teacher appreciation week super special. We have been so blessed this week by our great families and we cannot thank you enough.

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